ERDF project ID Nr. is finished!

Project name: Biorefinery processing of sea buckthorn non-fruit biomass using innovative techniques and comprehensive analytical investigation, for obtaining prospective for Latvian bioeconomy high value-added products, including serotonin (No. of the Contract/Agreement:
The aim of the Project was to propose prototype of wasteless innovative technologies providing usage of all unique pool of biologically active compounds of non-fruit sea buckthorn (SBT) biomass, in the form of extracts, individual compounds (serotonin, proanthocyanidins) and solid granulated complexes, valuable for national bioeconomy and different segments of international markets.
The aim of the project is fully achieved.
The project results of industrial research included: analysis of vegetative biomass of SBT cultivars growing in Latvia and the Baltic States and selection of the most prospective ones from biorefinery point of view; fractionated extraction and quantitative characterisation of extracts components obtained using advanced physical - chemical methods; elaboration of the innovative freon extraction technology prototype (TRL4) and regimes for separation of lipophilic compounds and as a preliminary step for serotonin purification; valorisation of extracts emphasis on antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties and enzyme-regulating properties; elaboration of the SBT biomass granulation techniques and compositions for application as a plants growth and development regulator (TRL4), and animal fodder (TRL4); elaboration of plant biostimulant on the basis of the extracts (TRL4), testing as ingredient preventing lipid oxidation for topical formulations and food; elaboration of method for obtaining of serotonin (TRL 4, Latvian patent); finding optimum conditions for obtaining of proanthocyanidins (TRL 4); preparation of the material necessary for certification of SBT cultivars and the products on their basis; generalization of the results in the form of technology prototypes; dissemination of the results in the form of scientific publications and presentations at the conferences.
The products prototypes were characterized, tested and proposed for a replacement of chemically synthesized products in the industries important for the Latvian and European national economies:
· in pharmacy – as anti-microbial agents, immunomodulating anti-inflammatory preparations – reducing IL-6 and IL-8), with no cytotoxicity, and none of the extracts and proanthocyanidins induced human hemolysis, that indicated the high biocompatibility and safety of the extracts;
· in topical formulations – cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams;
· in future - in pharmacy, serotonin as an agent regulating the activity of pancreatic lipase (included in the Latvian patent);
· in agriculture – granulated plant growth stimulator on the basis of SBT biomass (TRL4),
and biostimulant on the basis of its extracts (TRL4);
· in veterinary - animal fodder containing natural vitamins and nutrients (TRL4);
· in forest sector – granulated fuel using all vegetative parts of the tree;
· in food industry and cosmetics – as antioxidative agents against lipid-based system oxidation;
· in future – in pharmacy, as an agent regulating the activity of pancreatic lipase.
Method for obtainment of the serotonin was patented as planned (Latvian patent).
All scientific work was done as planned and all the following scientific indicators were fulfilled. Instead of the regular SCI publications, it was decided to submit more articles in the journals with SCI50% (6 SCI50% articles instead of 2):
· 3 (three) publications in SCI 50% journals (Q1, Plants; Q1, Molecules, Q1 Sustainability);
· In addition to the plan, instead of the publications in the regular SCI journals, 3 (three) more publications are submitted to SCI 50% journals: Q1, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (Elsevier) – status – under review; Q2, Metabolites (MDPI) – status – under review; Q3, Bioresources (North Carolina University) – status – under review.
· 1 (one) publication in SCI conference proceedings, as planned (Conference: XXIIIrd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying, Geology and Mining, Ecology and Management – SGEM 2023), – is accepted for publication.
· 3 (three) original scientific articles, instead of 1 planned, in journals or conference proceedings – conferences Agrosym and IUPAC.
· 13 (thirteen) other project results (including data) that comply with the research specificity (planned - 12 pcs.).
· Technology prototype – 2 pcs.
· Knowledge – 4 (four) pcs (validated and accepted in IWC, lignin chemistry laboratory).
· Products prototypes – 4 (four) pcs.
· Patent – 1 Latvian patent submitted, as planned.
Indicators achieved by the project at the end of the project:
· new researcher with a total load of 1.96 FTE (Achieved- 38.68 % of the total project group, planned at least 25% of the total project group) (see in Annex No.7.1.);
· young scientists with a total load of 1.54 FTE (Achieved- 30.35 % of the total project group, planned at least 25% of the total project group) (see in Annex No.7.2.);
· students and candidate of scientific degree with a total load of 1.75 FTE (Achieved- 34.45 % of the total project group, planned at least 25% of the total project group);
· new jobs during project implementation- 4 (four) jobs planned, 6 (six) jobs achieved.