ERDF Project ID No. finished!

ERDF Project "Innovative green extraction process, using water, with elaboration of microwave hybrid reactor and mechano-chemical biomass pretreatment, creating a new biorefinery cluster oriented to phytochemicals and biomaterials production from underexploited tree biomass"finished!
Project ID No.
The attainment of aim and results of the project
This project aimed to develop the prototype of innovative microwave-assisted water extraction technology and equipment for more efficient forest biomass feedstock utilization, flexible variation in feedstock and high value-added bio-products portfolio, focusing on the regional bio-economy demands in the forest and market situation, with creation of new knowledge increasing the scientific and engineering capacity of researches, students and industrial professionals. To achieve this aim:
• the innovative microwave extractor equipped with automatic controlling system was constructed, installed and approbated;
• the composition of alder (Alnus glutinosa), aspen (Populus tremula) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) barks as well as their water, water/ethanol and organic solvents extracts was thoroughly characterized with focus on the identification and quantification of plant phenolics;
• the effects of the pre-treatment method, the solvent used, the microwaves-assisted extraction conditions (temperature, duration of isothermal heating, air or inert medium, substrate-solvent ratio) on the yield of biologically active phenolic compounds from alder, aspen and pine barks were studied and the optimal extraction conditions were developed for each type of bark;
• the antioxidant, antimicrobial, enzymes inhibitory and adhesives properties of barks crude water extracts and their phenolic fractions were characterized;
• the residual bark biomass after extraction was characterized in context of its potential application, including pelletizing for application as biofuel.
From beginning to end of the project (36 months (01.06.2019. – 31.05.2022.)) all remaining main results have been achieved. The following main results have been achieved by end of the project:
(i) 10 original scientific articles.
(ii) 6 product descriptions and samples.
(iii) 1 Latvian patent.
(iv) 2 reports, including Mid-term Report.
(v) 2 new technology prototypes.
(vi) 2 ‘know how’ documentation.
Scientific staff
The scientific team is an interdisciplinary research group of experienced specialists in the fields of wood chemistry, biorefinery, materials and technology, microwave engineering and programming, as well as includes young doctors and students. The workload of the research staff involved in the project in full-time equivalents (FTE) during the project implementation period was 6.408 FTE, of new researchers (in FTE): 2.455 (38 % of the total workload of the project team), students and candidate of scientific degree (in FTE): 2.20 (34 % of the total workload of the project team).
Indicators achieved by the project at the end of the project:
1. new researcher with a total load of 2,455 FTE (Achieved- 38 % of the total project group, planned at least 25% of the total project group);
2. young scientists with a total load of 1,89 FTE;
3. students and candidate of scientific degree with a total load of 2,20 FTE (Achieved- 34 % of the total project group, planned at least 25% of the total project group);
4. New jobs during project implementation- four jobs planned, five jobs achieved.