Par projekta zinātnisko vidusposma izvērtējumu

Projekta izpildes progress saskan ar plānoto un ir saņemts pozitīvs Eiropas Komisijas ekspertu datubāzē iekļautu ekspertu konsolidētais vērtējums, tas nozīmē, ka darbību izpilde un sadarbība ir veiksmīga, turpinot projekta darba grupa sekmīgi iesākto!
Īss kopsavilkums no vidusposma atskaites (Mid-term Report on Progress of the Scientific Quality Evaluation Project Implementation) par sasniegto uz 2022.gada 31.janvāri (angļu valodā):
"Amount of funding used for achievement of mid-term results EUR 272670.98 (~ 42.3% of the total project funding has been used), the amount of public funding: EUR 252220.67 (ERDF – 57.80% (EUR 157603.82), country budged funding – 34.70% (EUR 94616.85), co-financing: EUR 20450.31 (7.5%). Private investments that supplement the state support for innovations or research and development projects: EUR 8670.93. In-kind contributions: EUR 6753.04. (See in detail in Annex 8.)
Duration of the project until mid-term: 19 months (01.07.2020. – 31.01.2022.)
The following main results have been achieved by the mid-term of the project:
1. 1 (one) publication in SCI 50% journal (Q1, Plants) – accepted for publication, in place of regular SCI journal.
2. 1 (one) publication in SCI 50% journal (Bioresources) – status - in review.
3. Presentation and Posters at the conference – 1 (one) presentation and 1 (one) poster.
4. Knowledge – 3 (three) pcs (validated and accepted in IWC, lignin chemistry laboratory).
5. Report – 1 (one) pc.
6. Products prototypes – 3 (three) pcs."
Projekts ar ID Nr.